Tuesday 24 January 2012

Left Calf Injury Threatens SOS Fundraiser

So I began my pre warm up to my 3rd marathon treadmill challenge on Monday with an easy 6 mile off temp run and low and behold the calf injury reared it's ugly head again....

So lucky for me I have been off work this week have carried out the R.I.C.E principal.





To say my missus is already fed up with me is an understatement!  " Are you icing that leg again"?  "No we haven't got any bandages" " That much Ibuprofen can't be good for you"!  "What are you doing with my rolling pin"?

To answer the rolling pin question:  Apparently using a rolling pin up and down your calf is good for the strain?  You can buy a professional massage device called "The Stick" but it's £40.  A rolling pin will suffice!  http://www.the-stick.co.uk/ 

So fingers crossed I'll be able to carry out the challenge even if it's a slow pace.  It's the fundraising that counts and not a PB.

Radio Cornwall are coming to interview me too....


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