Saturday 4 February 2012

Sainsbury's Fundraiser

On Friday 27th Jan I embarked on my very last fundraiser before the London marathon.  The day was a great success and I have to thank the staff at Sainsbury's store in Helston, Cornwall for their great support and letting me take over the front of their store for 6 hours.

Also I would like to thank Irish a.k.a. Michael McMahon for being my spokesman/water boy for the day.

Not forgetting all the kind people that came into the store and donated, many thanks.

We managed to raise £389.71 in total.

The day did not start very well at all.  1.5 miles into the challenge my calf went again but I cracked on at 9 min/mile pace and eventually finished in 3 hours 55mins.

So this leaves me £200 short of my target £2300.  With a bit more sponsorship I'll be there in no time.

Nicholas Reynolds, Paul Smith & Lee Field

Nicholas Reynolds, Paul Smith & Lee Field

Ned Nuzum & Paul Smith


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