Monday 19 March 2012

Shock Result In The Falmouth Half Marathon

Well I surprised myself at the race.  I finished 4th place after being overtaken on the last hill.  My time was 1 hour 23 mins 06 secs.  This worked out at 6.20 min/mile.  I'm delighted with this time considering the course was mountainous to say the least.  My marathon plan was pencilled in for 1 Hour 24 min.

Full results here :

I was beaten by 3 affiliated team runners.  The winner came home in 1 hour 20 mins 53 secs so I wasn't a long way off. 

There was nearly 400 runners in Falmouth's first ever half marathon.  The event was very well organised.  When you finished your race you received a goody bag, pasty, banana, medal and a free massage.

My masseur was a large bearded man called Alex.  He did a great job removing the knots in my calves...

Overall I really enjoyed my first competitive race for nearly 18 years.  It was a great warm up for the marathon.

On your marks...

They're off!

Coasting through Mawnan Smith

Finished (nice pose)

Cheers big Al..

Do my arms look big in this?

Daddy and Lil Bo X


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