Monday 12 March 2012

Bring on the Falmouth Half Marathon

I have been training really hard of late.  I had another 18 mile endurance run on Sunday which I completed in 2 hours 15 mins.  I struggled right at the death though with the last hill climb.  I had to walk twice.  I put this down to playing 90 mins of football the day before.  Football uses different muscles.  I have now given up football for this season as I can ill afford an injury before London.

My RNLI running vest turned up the other day.  My only complaint is it's bright yellow and this doubles the attraction rate of flies!  I'll have to keep my mouth shut! hehehe!  I'll be wearing this on Sunday for the Falmouth half marathon which I entered today.  I have to complete this in 1 hour and 24 mins according to my training plan.  I'm not sure this is possible with all the Cornish hills included.  Will give it my best shot!

I'm struggling with weight loss at the moment.  I have lost a stone since I started training 7 days a week.  I'm trying to get more carbs down my neck but with working awkward shifts I'm finding it hard to strike a good balance.

I had a nice easy 6 mile off-road run along the Maenporth coast today. It was quite a pleasant leg stretch after yesterday's hideous run.  Not much to look at though view wise as it was clampers with fog.

Tomorrow is another 6 mile run but this time it's on the road.


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