Tuesday 30 August 2011

Still Injured (Just!)

Well I was on a course In St Athan, Wales last week and I intended to train all week.  Monday was ok I took a friend of mine Dan Peacock through the 100 reps circuit and I think he enjoyed the routine.  Tuesday was a disaster again.  I went for a run and 15mins into the run my calf went again.  So as per normal I ran on hoping to run it off.  Managed to get back to the base but next morning I was limping again...  So no CV for another week.

I'm hoping I will be fit for Saturday's opening game against Mousehole!

I carried on training on Wednesday but doing some shoulder weights.

I have not done anything until today which was the 100 rep exercise again.  I really need to get over this injury and get some more mileage into my legs.

Well I'm off now to get the ice pack and tlc my calf (Moo).


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