Saturday 6 August 2011

Back In The Training Groove!

Well I started training again the Sunday after my 2nd marathon.  I did the 15 min exercise called the Bear.  This hammered my quads which was probably a bad idea since I had a pre season football match the next day.

Monday night Mawnan Smith played Mullion's Combination Team.  We lost 2-1 but should have won the game which was very encouraging for the first team manager Greg Renfree.  I scored the only goal for our side and played a full 90 mins.

Tuesday was a rest day as I was walking like John Wayne.  The football certainly tested a few unused muscles..

Wednesday I did the 100 rep challenge but again I replaced the bench press with press ups.

Thursday was another rest day due to not being able to walk properly.

Friday I started my night shift so I drove to work with my racing bike on the back of my motor.

Saturday was a double training session.  I cycled 12.5 miles to home after work.  Slept and then cycled back into work again.

My plan tonight is to hit the chest and tri's with my work collegue Gaz Hood.


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