Friday 29 July 2011

The Day After Round 2

Well I have to admit the marathon on families day was a breeze compared to airday.  I managed to drink plenty of electrolytes and gels this time.  I was also taking salt tablets every hour I was running.

I didn't get cramp twinges until 23 miles in.  It was my hamstrings this time.  It felt like someone was sticking needles into them. 

I set off at 9 min mile pace although the treadmill was km only.  Dave Nicoll the RNLI fundraiser did a great job converting for me.  I completed this marathon in 4 hours and 1 min and my only concern this time was  but my lips and fingers were tingly when I stopped.  Not sure what this condition was but I had to sit down and keep warm until it passed.

Today I'm feeling good, apart from a little fatigued.  My legs feel good today too.  

I think the lessons from the last marathon have well and truly been learned.

We raised  £220.85 on families day which is £20 more than the target I set!

So I feel a break from fundraising is probably wise for a moment and allow my old body chance to heal!

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea


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