Monday 19 March 2012

Shock Result In The Falmouth Half Marathon

Well I surprised myself at the race.  I finished 4th place after being overtaken on the last hill.  My time was 1 hour 23 mins 06 secs.  This worked out at 6.20 min/mile.  I'm delighted with this time considering the course was mountainous to say the least.  My marathon plan was pencilled in for 1 Hour 24 min.

Full results here :

I was beaten by 3 affiliated team runners.  The winner came home in 1 hour 20 mins 53 secs so I wasn't a long way off. 

There was nearly 400 runners in Falmouth's first ever half marathon.  The event was very well organised.  When you finished your race you received a goody bag, pasty, banana, medal and a free massage.

My masseur was a large bearded man called Alex.  He did a great job removing the knots in my calves...

Overall I really enjoyed my first competitive race for nearly 18 years.  It was a great warm up for the marathon.

On your marks...

They're off!

Coasting through Mawnan Smith

Finished (nice pose)

Cheers big Al..

Do my arms look big in this?

Daddy and Lil Bo X

Monday 12 March 2012

Bring on the Falmouth Half Marathon

I have been training really hard of late.  I had another 18 mile endurance run on Sunday which I completed in 2 hours 15 mins.  I struggled right at the death though with the last hill climb.  I had to walk twice.  I put this down to playing 90 mins of football the day before.  Football uses different muscles.  I have now given up football for this season as I can ill afford an injury before London.

My RNLI running vest turned up the other day.  My only complaint is it's bright yellow and this doubles the attraction rate of flies!  I'll have to keep my mouth shut! hehehe!  I'll be wearing this on Sunday for the Falmouth half marathon which I entered today.  I have to complete this in 1 hour and 24 mins according to my training plan.  I'm not sure this is possible with all the Cornish hills included.  Will give it my best shot!

I'm struggling with weight loss at the moment.  I have lost a stone since I started training 7 days a week.  I'm trying to get more carbs down my neck but with working awkward shifts I'm finding it hard to strike a good balance.

I had a nice easy 6 mile off-road run along the Maenporth coast today. It was quite a pleasant leg stretch after yesterday's hideous run.  Not much to look at though view wise as it was clampers with fog.

Tomorrow is another 6 mile run but this time it's on the road.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Training Ramps Up

Well after the marathon challenge on Friday I had a couple of days off to rest my weary legs.

Now I'm fully focused on my training schedule.

Mon - weights 100 rep challenge

Tues - Warm up, 1 x 2 miles fast, 6 mins easy, 3 x 1 miles fast with 3 min recoveries inbetween - Time 43:43

Wed - 6 miles easy

Thur - 7 mile farlek - Time 45:43

Fri - 3 mile easy - Time - 19:48

Today I have got a 6 mile off road with strides.  looking forward to that!

Next week is interesting with an 18 mile endurance run.....

Sainsbury's Fundraiser

On Friday 27th Jan I embarked on my very last fundraiser before the London marathon.  The day was a great success and I have to thank the staff at Sainsbury's store in Helston, Cornwall for their great support and letting me take over the front of their store for 6 hours.

Also I would like to thank Irish a.k.a. Michael McMahon for being my spokesman/water boy for the day.

Not forgetting all the kind people that came into the store and donated, many thanks.

We managed to raise £389.71 in total.

The day did not start very well at all.  1.5 miles into the challenge my calf went again but I cracked on at 9 min/mile pace and eventually finished in 3 hours 55mins.

So this leaves me £200 short of my target £2300.  With a bit more sponsorship I'll be there in no time.

Nicholas Reynolds, Paul Smith & Lee Field

Nicholas Reynolds, Paul Smith & Lee Field

Ned Nuzum & Paul Smith

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Left Calf Injury Threatens SOS Fundraiser

So I began my pre warm up to my 3rd marathon treadmill challenge on Monday with an easy 6 mile off temp run and low and behold the calf injury reared it's ugly head again....

So lucky for me I have been off work this week have carried out the R.I.C.E principal.





To say my missus is already fed up with me is an understatement!  " Are you icing that leg again"?  "No we haven't got any bandages" " That much Ibuprofen can't be good for you"!  "What are you doing with my rolling pin"?

To answer the rolling pin question:  Apparently using a rolling pin up and down your calf is good for the strain?  You can buy a professional massage device called "The Stick" but it's £40.  A rolling pin will suffice! 

So fingers crossed I'll be able to carry out the challenge even if it's a slow pace.  It's the fundraising that counts and not a PB.

Radio Cornwall are coming to interview me too....

Monday 16 January 2012

Almost a sub 30 round the Culdrose Triangle

I ran at race pace today around the Culdrose Triangle which is an undulating 5 mile run around the outskirts of Culdrose Naval base.

They always say if you break the 30 minute barrier then you are going some....

Well my PB for the route is 28 mins 41 secs which I achieved at the tender age of 18.  Now almost 38 and 3.5 stone heavier I still see this as a challenge.

In 2008 I managed to break 30 mins and come home in a time of 29 mins 48 secs.  I have never managed it since.

I timed on run in the tail end of 2011 and recorded a time of 32 mins 11 secs which was pleasing.  So with all the marathon training I'd thought I would give it another shot. 

So I ran it today and came in at 30 mins 3 secs.  To say I was gutted would be an understatement but I was happy with the time.  It just goes to show how far my training has come on!

I also ran 10 miles on the treadmill yesterday afternoon @ 8 min/mile which probably didn't help my cause today.

So overall I have been pleased with my training!

The new trainers have been broken in and are fantastic!

I'm still awaiting a time for my Sainsbury's Treadmill Challenge which I should find out tomorrow morning.

Also I have been in touch with a lady called Amy Caldwell who runs all the PR and media for the SouthWest and she is going to put out a press release about me and my fundraising efforts which will be great.

Well that's enough for me.....

Thursday 5 January 2012

Video Analysis Time

I've been told to get my gait checked my a specialist using a treadmill and motion cameras.  

I booked in with PB Running (Personal Best) in St Austell

The shop is run by Andy and he spent 50 minutes with me giving me some great advice about what trainers I need to run the marathon in.  It turns out I was running in the wrong trainers and that I'm a Neutral pronator.

I ended up buying a pair of Asics Cumulus 13 for £85.  Andy also offered  me a good discount if I needed another pair for the marathon.

Here are my new trainers.

So now we are in the New Year and the end of the month I'll be taking part in my 3rd treadmill challenge hopefully.  I'm still waiting for written confirmation.

The fundraising is going well.  I'm up to £1500 now.

I ran my best 6 miles in 0:39:49 at a pace of 6:38 mins/mile on 2nd Jan.  I just need to add more mileage now.
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