Monday 25 July 2011

Brown Rice Diet *Nice*

Well have just been reading my monthly copy of Mens Health and one article suggest you should eat 5g of brown rice for every 1kg of your body weight 4 days prior to a marathon in order to win a medal.  In that case I need to start eating 425g everyday before Thursday's 2nd treadmill marathon challenge.  I'll just go and boil the pan!

Well I had my first run yesterday post Wednesday's marathon.  I did the Culdrose triangle which is approx 5.2 miles.  I have ran it in 32.11 mins this year but I had a slow jog round and finished in 40:51 mins.  I have to admit my left calf is still sore but at least I'm not limping anymore.

I'm still waiting for my Nuun electrolyte tablets to turn up which I ordered last week.

I have spoken to our gym and I'm hoping they loan me a decent treadmill for my next challenge.

Well my brown rice is ready!  Catch you later.


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