Saturday 23 July 2011

Lots of lessons learned from airday

The total raised from airday was £439.79 which I'm very pleased with.  It's a great start towards the £2300 I have pledged to the RNLI.

It's only been 3 days since I ran a marathon on a treadmill and I'm still sore.  I learnt some very valuable lessons that day.

The gels I was using only contained carbohydrate so when I thought I was replenishing my electrolytes I was in fact only fueling my body.

I never replenished the salt that I sweated out.

I did not build up my carbs prior to the event.

7 minute mile pace is not wise when you have only had a week to prepare.

So with a bit of research I have purchased the following:

1.  Salt tablets
2.  Electolyte tablets
3.  Carbohydrate gels with added caffine

The next event which is on Thursday 28th which is another marathon on a treadmill I will be better prepared.

I intend to eat plenty of pasta about 4 days prior to the event.

I'm going to start about 9 minute mile pace and see where we go from there.  I want to finish this marathon in one go this time!

Yesterday I trained my upper body using the 100 rep method!  This is mentioned in a previous post.

Just because my legs aren't working doesn't mean I can't punish my top half!

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea


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