Wednesday 20 July 2011

What a great day!

Promotional Fundraising Shot

Well even though Airday was a wash out the Treadmill Challenge was a huge success.  I would like to thank everyone that donated and supported me through the ordeal, yes it was an ordeal hahaha.  A big thanks to the RNLI guys for making this happen and keeping an eye on me all day.  A massive thanks to Adam West my own personal physiotherapist who gave my legs the best rub down they have ever had when I was having my serious cramp stage.

Well considering I have had a week to train and prepare it didn't go to bad.

I started off with 7 min mile and by mile 13 I had to drop the pace.  When I reached mile 21 it all went pear shaped.  I had a serious bout of cramps which ended up with me lying on the treadmill getting some serious physio action.

After about 30 mins I recovered and ran the last five miles to finish in 4 hours & 20 mins.

I'm waiting for the fundraising guru Dave Nicoll to let me know the total raised.

I'm going to post some pictures now before, after and dying.

Question is do I run another marathon next week at our squadrons families day.....

After thoughts...

Finally Finishing


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