Wednesday 13 July 2011

Exam All Done!

Well I managed to get my exam squared away today and now I'm back on holiday.  

I trained yesterday by doing The Bear which is a quick 15 mins workout because that's all the time I had left after sorting out a few Airday issues.

Here is the link to The Bear.

It's hideous if you do 7 sets of seven.

Becka at the London RNLI fundraising office has hopefully sent out my fundraising pack today so I can begin to design some posters etc.

I haven't trained today as I've been really busy so I'll have to count this as a rest day.

I have got a double session tomorrow because football training starts...  I'm going for a coastal run after I drop the little girl at pre school.  Legs will be tired on Friday morning.

Well I'm signing off!

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea


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